September 1st is New Zealand’s Random Acts of Kindness Day and we’ve never needed it more than in these Covid times!
Started in New Zealand in 2005, we are the only country in the world with a national Random Acts of Kindness Day from north to south, east to west!
Join us and be part of raising the kindness temperature on September 1st.

The first national RAK Day started in 2005 and it’s been amazing how New Zealand has not only been the only country in the world to have a national Random Acts of Kindness Day, but Kiwis have embraced it in every corner of the country!
From businesses and schools to churches and individuals planning to do something randomly kind for someone else on September 1st, we have been raising the kindness temperature in NZ for 16 years and now, “random acts of kindness” are part of our every day vernacular and on our annual calendars.

There’s loads of stuff happening all over the country and we’d love to hear what you’re up to. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter and let us know.
Check under ‘Fun RAK Ideas’ where you’ll find ideas to get you started, a bit about why on earth we started this day in NZ, and some free downloadable resources to print out little ‘You’ve been RAK’d’ cards and give them out with your own random act of kindness.
RAK on, Megan x