Happy school kids

20 RAK Ideas for Schools

Here are some great ideas for teachers and students:

Happy school kids

12 ideas for students

  1. Ask your teacher if you can clean up around the school, ask another class to join your efforts.
  2. Eat lunch with someone who is new or sitting alone, or invite him or her to your table.
  3. Talk to a student you’ve never talked to before.
  4. Organise your whole class to bring flowers or chocolates to school to surprise your teacher!
  5. Bake a cake or biscuits for another class/take home to parents/office staff.
  6. Make cards or notes for people you appreciate around your school i.e caretaker/teachers/teacher aides/office staff/friends.
  7. Make origami flowers to give to someone.
  8. Make soup or hot drinks and a stall and give them out before school/morning tea or lunch.
  9. Go to a retirement home and sing to the elderly.
  10. Organise a shared lunch with another class or group of friends.
  11. Slip a kind note inside your library book before you return it.
  12. Paint rocks with kind messages to hide in gardens.
Kindness rocks
Paint kindness rocks
Thank hospital workers
Thank you hospital workers

9 ideas for teachers

  1. Brainstorm ideas with your students, discuss some that you think would be achievable and would interest your students.
  2. Study kind people in history. Then have students illustrate the kind works of these people and discuss them in class. (Fred Hollows, Anne Frank, Elizabeth Fry, Mother Theresa, Harriet Tubman, William Wilberforce, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Barnardo, Nicholas Winton will get you started…)
  3. Ask students to perform a Random Act of Kindness for a family friend or even a stranger and then write an essay describing the experience — how it made them feel and the reaction of the recipient.
  4. Encourage the children to do one nice thing every day, like give a hug, lend a pencil, or play with someone new, do chores at home without complaining.
  5. Contact community people who are actively promoting kindness, and request that they visit your school for classroom discussions or an assembly.
  6. Take pictures and preserve some samples of your activities, share your project and photos with others.
  7. Locate various quotes about kindness. Put them up around the room and discuss what they mean.
  8. Encourage your students to take RAK Day beyond the borders of our country – brainstorm fundraising ideas for  (ie. mufti-day, or a lunch-time concert) and use the money to collectively RAK a family through World Vision or another charity.
  9. Visit one of your sick students and read to them.
This Iranian teacher visits one of his sick students every day and reads to him.

22 thoughts on “20 RAK Ideas for Schools

  1. Hi Megan

    Hope you are well and looking forward to next week with RAK! We’re planning a whole Kindness month for September here at St Heliers Church & Community Centre and will launch on Sept 1st RAK day. One initiative we’re working on is to change up the area where we currently receive donations for a couple of charities we work with regularly and are re-branding it the Kindness corner. Let me know if you’d like to come visit one day in September to check out our set up or even one Sunday I could maybe interview you about RAK during church?

    Emily Wotton

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